Why a Strong Network Is a Startup CEO’s Superpower

Your inner circle should make it easier for your company to get what it needs

Joe Procopio
5 min readMar 14, 2022


As a startup CEO, one of the strengths you bring to the table is an ever-expanding network of people who can add value to your company.

You should always be building your network, of course, but here’s something I learned late in my entrepreneurial career: It’s how you build that network that matters. And it’s only when you truly understand why you need your network that you’ll realize how to build it to your advantage.

Once you do that, your network goes from strength to superpower.

Let’s get started.

Build Your Network on a Foundation of Trust

I recently received a question from a startup CEO about where to draw the line on investor due diligence that was becoming invasive and painful.

In my answer, I talked about which functions of her startup needed to be an open book to investors (i.e. historical financial results), which areas needed more protection (i.e. proprietary source code).

But I also speculated on why that investor’s due diligence was so invasive. The startup CEO noted that she had no prior relationship with this…



Joe Procopio

I'm a multi-exit, multi-failure entrepreneur. AI pioneer. Building TeachingStartup.com. Write at Inc.com and BuiltIn.com. More about me at joeprocopio.com