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Ugh. Venture Capital Is Funding Creators Now
Out of the frying pan, into the frying pan!
When I first saw the headline of this article, Creators raising venture capital: Unsettling or genius?, first I threw up a little, then I thought to myself: “Of course it’s unsettling. It’s a sign of the freaking end times.”
I dove into the article for a rage-read that would at least give me some feeling of moral superiority — to soothe the fact that there’s yet another reason for people to hate technology and entrepreneurship.
I mean, we haven’t even gotten rid of all the influencers yet.
So it was weird when I found myself starting to agree with the “VC-for-your-soul” concept.
OK, Well, Why WOULDN’T VCs Fund Creators?
Because yeah, there’s definitely ROI there to be had. I guess.
The well-written article notes instances of VCs “…underwrit(ing) YouTubers’ back catalog in exchange for upfront cash” and “…fund(ing) a creator in exchange for a cut of revenue over a set term.”
That’s all fine and good. Sounds great actually. Private money coming in to fill a need — funding an actual purpose for valuable content that isn’t brand-adjacent.