This Is Not a Success Story
A business is not a game. It’s a real thing with real impacts to real people.
When is burning through $30 million of startup funding considered a success?
That’s not a hypothetical question. There is no clever “gotcha” answer waiting for you at the end of this post.
But there is some truth, so please do keep reading.
I’m Sorry, PR Person Who Wrote Me
Last week, a startup PR person wrote in via my website in the hopes that I would write about some new money coming in to said startup.
First things first. Please don’t ask me to do this. I’m not a journalist. I don’t have those skills. I’m just an entrepreneur with a big mouth. So I rarely, if ever, write about any company I’m not directly working with… unless I’m going to destroy it.
On a normal day, I’d just delete the email and move on. But this story caught my eye, because I’ve seen it a million times before, and this time it just stuck in my craw.
So again, a thousand apologies, PR person. You’re just doing your job.
The gist of the story is that the startup had just raised a couple million bucks. Awesome. Kudos. Seriously.