The Real Problem with Generative A.I. — and It’s Not a Dystopian Nightmare

A lot of what ChatGPT writes is useless, but it can also be harmful

Joe Procopio
6 min readJun 1, 2023


image by kenshinstock

Ask most people to describe the downside of Generative A.I, and they’ll usually bring up one of two scenarios.

People who know nothing about Generative A.I. will talk about a foregone conclusion when the machines eventually rise up and take over. This is Skynet. It’s the Matrix. It’s any science fiction movie about robots. Except Short Circuit.

People who know a little something about Generative A.I. will talk about the threat of impersonation, deep fakes, and machine-driven fakery being passed off as authoritarian knowledge.

While both of these potential crises are theoretically possible, and thus the basis of great science fiction, neither one are the most imminent threat.

The real, immediate problem with ChatGPT and Generative A.I. is that words mean things. Unless you’re using ChatGPT. Then words become useless. Even dangerous.

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Joe Procopio

I'm a multi-exit, multi-failure entrepreneur. AI pioneer. Building Write at and More about me at