Marketing Your Startup Begins With Your Product, Not Your Pitch

You know the customer’s destination. You need to draw the map.

Joe Procopio
3 min readAug 18, 2021


Photo by S Migaj on Unsplash

In this week’s issue of Teaching Startup (#69), I answered a question from an entrepreneur who needed to make a decision about the marketing direction for his new product — one that was on its way to the minimum viable product stage (MVP).

I was able to give him several questions he first needed to answer that would provide an axis for the direction of his messaging. While I was doing that, I touched briefly on how his initial marketing direction will impact everything from sales to the very future definition of the product itself. Maybe even the direction of his company.

I want to expand on how that happens in this post.

Your customer experiences your product from the outside looking in

That’s an adage a lot of entrepreneurs tend to forget when they’re wordsmithing attention-grabbing marketing copy and clever sales pitches. Your customer’s first impression of your product comes directly from the messaging they encounter when they first become aware of said product.

From that messaging, if they have any interest whatsoever, they’ll next need to understand what your…



Joe Procopio

I'm a multi-exit, multi-failure entrepreneur. AI pioneer. Technologist. Innovator. I write at and More about me at