How to Start a Tech Company With Less Than $100

Part 1: Establishing Your Digital Presence

Joe Procopio
7 min readJun 26, 2023


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It used to be that if you wanted to start a high-tech, high-growth company with no money, you needed to line up millions of dollars in venture capital. Let’s be honest. That’s a scary proposition that most entrepreneurs don’t even have the connections to make happen.

This leads to a lot of otherwise smart people sinking what money they do have into a bottomless pit of incompetent technical talent and Ponzi-style marketing schemes.

But if you ask me why only one out of every 10-ish VC-funded high-tech, high-growth startups make it, I’ll tell you that the dirty secret is that no one knows if a high-tech, high-growth startup is going to be successful until it’s successful.

Money gets raised, money gets lit on fire, and then nine times out of ten everyone moves on and never speaks of the venture again. Or to the founders.

Look. There’s another way. It’s never been easier to rely on no-code, low-code, open-source, third-party tech to build a technical product from the ground up, take it to market, and start generating revenue and proving viability. And it’s only getting cheaper.

VC Strategy But With My Own Money



Joe Procopio

I'm a multi-exit, multi-failure entrepreneur. AI pioneer. Building Write at and More about me at