How To Get Your Customers To Give You the Information You Need

You can’t force them, you can’t beg them, and you can’t do it for them

Joe Procopio
6 min readSep 3, 2020


The more you can tailor your product’s user experience to the individual customer, the more valuable your product, the more sales come to you faster.

Here’s the problem

It can be a very fine line between an awesome customer experience and a horrible customer experience. Most of the time, the difference comes down to whether or not you can get the information you need from the customer to be able to deliver what they want.

The more information you need, the more difficult it is to get.

If the customer just needs a hammer, you sell them a hammer. If they need a screwdriver, you show them a Phillips and a flathead and let them choose. If the customer needs wedding photography, financial services, or a job, then suddenly there’s a ton of information you need from them just to be able to put the right options in front of them, let alone make the sale, let alone make them happy.

Here are the symptoms

There are all sorts of band-aid ways to get detailed information from your customers. You’re probably doing at least one of them. None of them work well…



Joe Procopio

I'm a multi-exit, multi-failure entrepreneur. AI pioneer. Building Write at and More about me at