How Startups Build Their Tech Teams Without Spending a Fortune

Joe Procopio
6 min readMar 2, 2020

So… How are you going to get all that tech built?

For the vast majority of startups, the technical components of their company and product are easily the riskiest. Custom development is expensive, whether it’s for the product itself or just for the support tech to enhance, deliver and manage that product.

On top of that, the choices are confusing, sometimes arcane, and constantly changing.

  • Do you build a complete full-stack solution or piece together some hybrid of off-the-shelf products?
  • How will your store your data? How will you protect it? How will you keep it private?
  • Offshore development is just hackers and headaches, right?

Do not just jump into these questions. There are a couple of pre-check steps you need to take before you start spending money hiring technical help. The trick is to do your due diligence on these pre-check steps, because what you learn will tell you how to hire your tech team.

Pre-check #1: How much tech do you understand?

The first big factor in who to hire comes down to the size of the gaps you need to fill.



Joe Procopio

I'm a multi-exit, multi-failure entrepreneur. NLG pioneer. Building & GROWERS. Write at and More at