Don’t Let Anyone Tell You How To Run Your Startup

Sometimes the right answer means unlearning what you’ve been taught

Joe Procopio
4 min readNov 10, 2021


image by katemangostar on freepik

One of the things I love about working on Teaching Startup — my project to democratize startup mentorship by making it affordable and timely — is that every once in a while we don’t answer an entrepreneur’s question so much as get them to discover the answer they already know.

It doesn’t happen all the time. I wouldn’t even say it happens a lot. But when it does happen, it is — excuse the term — magical. Because all the bullshit that’s been thrown at them disappears and all the overthinking suddenly stops short.

It’s even better when it happens to an entrepreneur who has been at entrepreneurship for a while, maybe a long time, maybe as long as me. Because it still happens to me.

Yeah. After 20+ years and a bunch of wins and losses, I still fall for other people telling me how to run my company, or build my product, or market my product.

There are people out there who are smarter than you. Use them.

That’s not to say I don’t think that there’s anyone else out there smarter than me — or more experienced or otherwise better. In fact, I feel like it’s a 50/50 shot that you yourself are…



Joe Procopio

I'm a multi-exit, multi-failure entrepreneur. AI pioneer. Building Write at and More about me at