Creators Are The Next Wave Of Entrepreneurship

It’s not about ads and sponsorships. It’s about disrupting a dying industry.

Joe Procopio
6 min readJan 8, 2024


This article isn’t about television and movies. It’s not about YouTube and TikTok. It’s about startups and entrepreneurship.

But it’s also about television and movies and YouTube and TikTok.

Because all those things are converging and not enough people are taking it seriously.

I’m Dead Serious About This

Look, we’re all aware that there’s a zillion dollars floating around YouTube and TikTok. And creators are grabbing for those dollars like a kid in a ticket tornado booth at a Chuck E. Cheese. I’m not going to waste your brain cells talking about how making videos for ad money is the new startup. It’s not.

My premise, crystallized in the title of this article, is speculative for sure, but also very legit and serious. Look, the bromantic notion of entrepreneurs building microcomputers in California garages is dead. The days of pitch-deck road shows to fund the next SaaS product nobody needs and fly-by-night accelerators hawking 12-step Successories to Elon Musk wannabes are waning.

At the same time, something worth funding has to come after this AI wave crashes. Artificial…



Joe Procopio

I'm a multi-exit, multi-failure entrepreneur. AI pioneer. Building Write at and More about me at