A Reckoning For Low Quality Content

I Can No Longer Justify Being the Human Equivalent Of ChatGPT

Joe Procopio
4 min readMar 2, 2023


Pleased to meet me? Image by rawpixel.

I haven’t been enjoying writing these posts for 12 months. Maybe longer.

Not that writing has been totally without joy. In fact, once the post is published and in people’s hands, it’s as rewarding as it has ever been — maybe even more so because my reach is broader now. But all the actual writing moments — from deciding what to write about to going over the final edit — those moments have been painful.

It’s like I have to thread a series of needles every time I open up a blank document. That isn’t what I wanted to be doing.

I finally realized that it’s the same feeling I get when external forces lead me to push my business in the wrong direction. It took me a while to figure that out, because I try very hard to not view my writing as a business, so I often disconnect my writing from the basic concepts that I’m very, very good at when it comes to business.

Thus, if I was doing this writing thing like I run a business, I would have made a writing pivot six months ago. And I didn’t. So I’m doing it now.

For instance, this is normally the point in one of my posts where I switch from what’s spilling out of my head to a more common format and structure. But now…



Joe Procopio

I'm a multi-exit, multi-failure entrepreneur. AI pioneer. Building TeachingStartup.com. Write at Inc.com and BuiltIn.com. More about me at joeprocopio.com