A Contrarian Bet Against Generative AI: The Value of Being Uniquely Human

I think I figured out the next billion-dollar opportunity

Joe Procopio


image by vecstock

A ton of ink and money is being dropped on figuring out what Generative AI can do to generate even more ink and more money. But while that hype tornado continues to swirl, I wonder if there’s a contrarian bet to be made on being uniquely human.

Here’s my theory: If Generative AI has suddenly become so pervasive, isn’t there a secondary effect that immediately increases the scarcity, and thus the value, of uniquely human knowledge, experience, and intuition?

That feels like an opportunity that no one is talking about.

An AI Star-Making Machine

I’ll start the proof of my theory with a relatively common Generative AI idea thread:

What if we were to create a pop-star out of whole digital cloth?

Let’s use Generative AI to:

  1. Give them music that’s a derivative of the most current, most popular music.
  2. Write lyrics that will appeal in a manner that’s both instantly sticky and long lasting.
  3. Create a style, a vibe, even a name that opens wallets.

While we’re at it, why bother with a real human person? Let’s create avatars, images, videos, hell, even live performances based on some of the most iconic performers in history. We’ll do it all on Tik Tok. The money we save on touring alone will be worth it.

The thing is, except for that last part (and more recently even including the last part), this is not a new idea. It’s been done for decades. Like since the Monkees, which is even before my time.

It’s just being automated now.

Catching the Human Wave

One thing I’ve learned over decades of being an entrepreneur: To truly blow up and be maximum successful, you have to take advantage of a series of catalysts that create some kind of seismic shift and a resulting tsunami wave of change.

It’s incredibly difficult to predict what those catalysts will look like and what kind of wave is coming. Furthermore, even if you…



Joe Procopio

I'm a multi-exit, multi-failure entrepreneur. NLG pioneer. Building TeachingStartup.com & GROWERS. Write at Inc.com and BuiltIn.com. More at joeprocopio.com