Member-only story
2024 Is Going To Get Real Good Real Quick
I’ve got a good feeling about this… but should you?
We’ve reached that part of the year where you’re seeing a lot of those clickbait year-end wrap-up articles, listicles, and slideshows. Go ahead and click on a couple. It’s OK. You’re not hurting anyone. And I, for one, really need to know the Top 10 Celebrity Meltdowns of 2023.
This article is not one of those.
Another popular theme at the end of every year is prognostication. So you’re probably also seeing bold headlines from a lot of experts in different fields predicting what 2024 is ultimately going to be “about.” These are also harmless and some of them can even be quite valuable.
This article is not one of those.
Admittedly, this article looks like one of those. Walks like it. Quacks like it. To be transparent, it’s how I get you into the arena. But I’ve got way too much respect for your intelligence to just barf out a list of predictions that no one will fact check me on in December.
Now, I’m not baiting and switching you. I’m taking a calculated risk. I do believe 2024 is going to be a very good year for business, for startups, for innovators, for independent thinkers. How do I know this? What conclusive evidence do I have?